Company registration in Albania

In Albania, we provide a broad spectrum of legal, corporate, government, and business intelligence services. Full legal support of the company registration procedure, obtaining a legal address, interaction with the jurisdiction’s official government authorities, state fees, production and registration of company stamps, and advising the client as part of the registration process are all examples of our services.

Corporate business structures in Albania

A limited liability company, a joint-stock company, a general partnership, a limited partnership, a holding, a branch, and a representative office are the main types of corporations for conducting business in Albania.

Form a company by one of the following types of business structure:

Limited Liability Company

Register Limited Liability Company in Albania with us. Discover our LLC services here:

Joint Stock Company

Register Joint Stock Company in Albania with help of our representatives. Press the button below for more details:

Other formation solutions

Branch Office

We can help you set up a subsidiary company that will boost profits while also increasing brand awareness and exposure.

Holding Company

We form a holding company in Albania to help you protect your assets, obtain tax benefits, and other. See our Holding Company solutions:

Company registration requirements

A minimum of one shareholder and director is required to form an Albanian corporation. A corporation can have only one shareholder, who can be either an individual or a corporation. Foreign stock investment in an Albanian corporation is not restricted. Every business in Albania must have a registered office where correspondence can be sent.


The following are the general conditions for forming a business in Albania: 

  • a brief description of the company’s operations, 
  • Albanian registered office address, 
  • Particulars of the shareholder(s) and their stake in the company, 
  • Particulars of the Director(s), 
  • A minimum paid-up share capital of ALL 100 or greater is required, 
  • Articles of Association and Memorandum. 

Legal adress

Our experts can assist you in getting a legal address for your company in Albania.


We take care of all of your accounting and bookkeeping needs so you can concentrate on running and growing your business and meeting your organization’s objectives.

Corporate bank account

Without a corporate account, it’s difficult to run a profitable firm. When a client opens a bank account, they enter into an agreement with the bank on the allocation of cash and activities.

Consultation about Company registration

We offer full-service business creation and registration in Albania, including the production of Articles of Incorporation and other required legal documents.

Ready for the next step

Accelerate your business growth while we take care of everything else.

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