Registration services in Albania

If you want to start a business in Albania, the first and most crucial step is to establish and register a company at the Albanian National Business Center (hereinafter: NBC).

Company registration

When registering a company in in Albania, the process includes a set of well-structured procedures. An entrepreneur must register for tax purposes, insurance, and health to get a certificate of function, and the firm must be registered with the Municipal Court. Press the button below for more details:

Virtual office registration

Obtain the best corporate centers in the capital, as well as operate phone lines and technical assistance in Albania. Experts locate the most cost-effective registered virtual offices in the most convenient location for you.

Legal address registration

Each legal entity in Albania must have a legal address, according to the law. Although the legislator does not define this phrase, it should be understood that a legal address refers to the location of a legal entity, namely the location of its executive body.

Trademark registration

If you want to register a trademark in Albania, our lawyers are ready to provide you with high-quality legal assistance regarding the registration and protection of your rights.

Brand-name registration

Brand naming is professional development of the name of a brand, product, service. Such a name is assigned to your product, it serves the needs of the business: it reveals brand positioning, attracts the attention of consumers, and is remembered by customers. Our company will help you register your name brand in Albania.

Patent registration

The absence of legislation on patents for inventions, or more broadly on industrial property, is a major impediment to the country’s industrial property system’s development.

Business opportunities in Albania

If you want to start a business in Albania, the first and most crucial step is to establish and register a company at the Albanian National Business Center (hereinafter: NBC). The registration process at NBC is rapid, low-cost, and efficient, taking only 1-2 working days under typical conditions.

Business solutions

Press the button below to discover our business-related solutions in Albania, such as: business transfer, business setup and business formation:

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